Yoga: What's the best type for triathletes to do?

Want to give yoga a go but confused about the different types? Amy Ryan explains the types of yoga best suited to triathletes.

Published: November 12, 2018 at 10:44 am

There are a few types of yoga classes which would be very beneficial to your triathlon training, and for different reasons.

To experience a fast-paced class, which focuses on global strengthening, vinyasa or ashtanga yoga are considered the most athletic styles. They consist of flowing movement sequences coordinated with your breath. These dynamic, challenging movement sequences involve many positions, which are designed to improve strength, balance, coordination, body awareness, flexibility and breathing.

If you prefer a slower, more relaxed pace to counterbalance your intense tri training, yin and iyengar yoga are ideal. Passive poses to improve joint mobility and muscle flexibility are held for several minutes with the help of props. Perfect for relaxing the nervous system, relieving sore muscles and restoring optimum physical function for your next training session. Though the focus is less strength-oriented, the recovery and flexibility benefits will certainly help prevent injuries.

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