April 2021 Issue of 220
Highlights include: Knynsa Extreme big pic; Ku TF1 dream bike; kit zone; bike computers test; Canyon tri bike; swim masterclass; 8-week base phase plan; pulse-rich recipes; ask the Don cold weather training; postmenopause women's training advice.

Dream Bike: The Ku TF1, inspired by formula 1 engineering coupled with industry-first bike design and geometry.
Total Training: We all want to get faster, but are you guilty of cruising at the same pace? We look at how to establish intervals into your routine for all three disciplines.
How to Return Stronger: In his new book, Matt Fitzgerald chronicles many comebacks, including Mirinda Carfrae’s against-all-odds victory at Kona. Have a read for some 2021 comeback inspiration.
Ten Secrets of Success: We hear from the new tri team storming the beaches of Weymouth and how they have adapted to come out even stronger during a global pandemic.
Buyer’s Guide: We test five bike computers from £54 to help you decide which is worth your dollar.
Swim Technique Masterclass: James Witts takes you through breaking down your stroke and working on it to develop a faster swim.
Training Plan: Dermott Hayes outlines an 8-week base fitness training plan to help carry us into the delayed upcoming race season.
Check your Pulses: Find out how you can incorporate this often-overlooked protein-packed superfood into your diet and boost your preformance, with recipes from Kate Percy.
Knysna Extreme: Find out how Africa’s Knysna Extreme race still managed to go ahead and follow Nicola Mattheus on her journey from coast to mountain on the brutal course.
All that, and much more in the lastest issue of 220 Triathlon, To subscribe to 220 Triathlon print and digital issues click here