Protein: how much do you need?
How much protein you should consume everyday when training for a triathlon depends on several factors, says Renee McGregor. Here she discusses protein requirements for endurance athletes

How much protein you should consume everyday when training for a triathlon depends on several factors, says Renee McGregor. Here she discusses protein requirements for endurance athletes
If you’re meat-free how can you ensure that you’re getting enough protein into your diet to sufficiently cope with training and racing loads? Nutritionist and author of Go Lean Vegan Christine Bailey explains…
We look at the differences between whey, soy and others on the market, and whether shakes or bars are best
Quick and easy to prepare, these dishes are great for boosting protein intake
First the protein pizza and pies, then the bug burgers. Muscle Food’s ever-expanding menu options continued apace earlier this month with the announcement of their high protein beer, Barbell Brew.
Like beer and want to include more protein in your diet? Then this beer could be a win win.
New protein dessert designed to stave off cravings while staying guilt-free
CNP and Team Sky have devised a new healthy and high protein breakfast range as well as additional new flavours in their smoothie range.
This ancient greenwheat boasts impressive nutritional credentials, including lots of protein, fibre and “prebiotic” qualities – and was discovered after a crop fire long ago
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