Olympic dreams and more realistic ambitions – blog
Age-grouper Phil Renna reluctantly lets go of his Rio ambitions, but still hopes to qualify for the ITU World Champs in Chicago

Phil Renna
Age-grouper Phil Renna reluctantly lets go of his Rio ambitions, but still hopes to qualify for the ITU World Champs in Chicago
Age-grouper Phil Renna shares his latest progress in an audacious bid to make the Olympics
Age-grouper Phil Renna makes the cut for the World Championships in Canada but also suffers domestic upheaval and lots of late nights – and gets lured back into old habits…
Phil Renna continues his ambitious (if optimistic) attempt to turn himself from novice triathlete to GB Olympian in time for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
Phil Renna makes it his mission to qualify for the GB triathlon team at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil
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