Jonny Brownlee talks Beijing, 70.3 and his tough 2018
The Olympic silver medallist opens up on his ‘worst’ season yet, racing Ironman 70.3 and taking on the non-drafting powerhouses at the Beijing International Triathlon

Ironman 70 3
The Olympic silver medallist opens up on his ‘worst’ season yet, racing Ironman 70.3 and taking on the non-drafting powerhouses at the Beijing International Triathlon
Brit double Olympic champ takes North American Pro Championship in Utah
The Brit came third in New Zealand on the final weekend of Ironman-branded racing of 2015, whilst Meredith Kessler took the victory and Braden Currie was male winner
Lucy Charles and Gill Fullen win their race divisions in Zell am See, Austria
Dominant wins for long-course stars as Europe welcomes 70.3 worlds
From calorie intake to long runs and orthotics, we relive last night’s Twitter chat with triathlon coach Simon Ward
Athletes will finish in a Roman amphitheatre – a first for M-dot races
With the Ironman 70.3 World Championship leaving North America for the first time next year, age-grouper Laura Fountain shares her recent race experience at the new venue
Pro athlete Susie Hignett has been racing for just two years but has already beaten stacked fields at 70.3 races in France and Norway, and now has Mont Tremblant in her sights
Ritchie Nicholls and Eimear Mullan to defend their titles in Wimbleball next month against big names including Tim Don and Daniel Halksworth
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