Swimovate Pool-Mate

Our rating


Published: March 18, 2010 at 2:27 pm

Using motion-sensors, the Pool-Mate records your entire swim session, storing information about how many lengths you’ve done (invaluable if you often lose count), your pace per 100m, stroke rate, calorie-burn and efficiency, without you needing to press any buttons during your swim. You only need to hit ‘Start’ at the beginning and ‘Stop’ at the end to use the basic mode.

Thanks to those motion sensors, the unit automatically knows when you turn at the end of a length, and it can cope with all four strokes. If you choose to, you can pause the watch during rest intervals, kick sets or drills. It’s all very simple to use, with the only tinkering needed when you set the pool’s length, your weight and which hand you wear the watch on.

It can also be used for biking and running, and would be a great option for brick sessions or races. Sadly the Pool-Mate won’t work in open-water, but it’s spot on for the pool.

Contact : Swimovate 01784 481562 www.swimovate.com