Ironman Wales race tips
Previous winners Scott Neyedli and Lucy Gossage have eight tips to prepare you for one of the hardest Ironman races – and remind you to smile for the finisher’s photo!

Previous winners Scott Neyedli and Lucy Gossage have eight tips to prepare you for one of the hardest Ironman races – and remind you to smile for the finisher’s photo!
Fancy racing in paradise? Challenge Aruba is the latest addition to the Challenge Family global series of long distance triathlons.
New book from 220’s Features Ed celebrates the triathletes, races and gear of triathlon
Long-course athletes including world champions Miranda Carfae and Sebastien Kienle form new global triathlon organisation, aimed at ‘improving the sport in its entirety to benefit Pro non-drafting triathletes’.
Race organisers to pay out across all 15 races, with €50k on offer at full-distance triathlons
Travel Channel presenter Rob Bell reveals the equipment he’s taking across seven continents
Grand Final in Bahrain to offer $1m prize purse next year
“I’m laughing, because if I don’t I’m going to cry” – M. Pritchard, somewhere near Wales
GB pro Susie Hignett describes the training adaptation, time management and skills focus she needed to go from tri newbie to Ironman 70.3 winner in just two years
To impress a lady, to prove their doubters wrong, for the M-dot tattoo… With less than two weeks to go, we hear why competitors will be racing in Tenby
Swim coach reaches Scotland after crossing the North Channel in just his trunks, having met Portuguese men-of-war, dolphins and tiger sharks in his epic round-the-world challenge
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