Bloc Scorpion X30

Our rating


Published: August 21, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Bloc Scorpion X30

The Scorpion is a new design from Bloc and incorporates harder-edged sculpturing for a streamlined look; perhaps a bit large for women’s faces but ideal for chaps’. They’re ideal for tri training or racing; super-light yet grippy, you’ll hardly notice they’re there. They don’t move an inch, even when you’re head-down, stretching your hamstrings. But at the same time, they’re not too tight, amd there’s no pinching or gripping – just lightweight flexibility and supreme comfort. The frames are hand-finished, ensuring superior strength, flexibility and durability.

The dark lenses transmit the full colour spectrum, meaning they don’t alter the way you see colours. Bloc says this makes them ideal for anyone with an intolerance to colour transformation. We think they’re great for bright conditions and won’t be too dark for shady patches, making them ideal for runs or rides which take you in and out of sunlight.

Contact : Bloc 01403 787878