220’s Winter Training Advent Calendar (Part 3)
From goal setting to bike maintenance, and immune system boosting to off-road racing, part three of the Winter Training Advent Calendar has it all...

17 Set Goals
During the season these are usually found in the form of races, but during the winter try focusing on others like weekly volume targets, technique improvements or performances in timed workouts/time trials to keep you pushing for progress.
18 Puncture Avoidance
Thick winter training tyres may not look so cool, but neither does standing by the side of the road getting soaked by passing trucks as you wrestle with your third puncture of the ride. Well worth the investment.
19 Bike Maintenance
Get a new chain, sprockets, cables and shoe cleats. Lube up the bits that need it. Increased winter miles are hard on the bike and you don’t want it letting you down 30 miles from home.
20 Plan Your Season
Races fill up super fast these days, so keep an eye on the calendar for 2012 and get in early with your entries. Feel the motivation levels for training increase as you commit hard-earned cash to your quest!
21 Keep Your Immune System Healthy
Good, varied natural foods, a sensible sleeping routine, moderate alcohol intake and partying as well as not over-training sound boring, but is the best way to fend doff colds and viruses.
22 Vary Your Training
Whilst swim/bike/run will always be the staple training diet at this time of the year, circuit classes, gym work mountain biking and other diversions can be great additions to your week.
23 Go Off-Road
For the scenery, for the strength element, for the injury prevention and for the variety. Biking and running away from the tarmac has real benefits and will also keep your washing machine from gathering dust.