Shutt Team Tri Suit review
Shutt Team Tri Suit tested and rated by our expert reviewer

Shutt Team Tri Suit review
UK company Shutt’s stylish cycle apparel is predominantly composed of either polyester or merino wool. Its sole tri offering, the Team Tri Suit, is built from the former.
That results in a quick-drying suit, which is handy because, with no rear pockets to accommodate gels, sprint-distance will be its rightful home.
Fit is impressive, the 20% Lycra flowing with you throughout each discipline, though purported compression panels are barely noticeable.
Comfort isn’t affected, but it’s worth noting if you’re a compression fan. The Coolmax chamois is comfy and could easily consume hours of riding without leaving you raw. It’s also subtle enough not to impede the run.
Sadly, we can’t say the same about the zipper. It’s fine when on the tri-bars, but it presses against the sternum during the more-upright run. A shame as, that small touch aside, it’s a fine suit.
Verdict: Stylish-looking suit that fits well. Zipper needs rectifying.
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