Avia 2053
The Avia 2053 is an intriguing shoe: off the shelf you’d tell yourself they’re rigid and heavy just because of the way they look. But on your feet, you’re going to find that they’re amazingly light and rather spacious. Okay, they’re a little stiffer than some shoes on test but that’s because they’re unquestionably a support shoe.
This is quite specific, but if you’re a heel striker that pronates, and are looking for a light shoe to interchange between long runs and long winter races, such as half marathons, then this is definitely a product to consider.
A tip from Avia, which we concur with, is that the shoe comes up a little bigger than previous models, so bear that in mind if you’re buying them mail order. But also be aware that, as yet, they’re difficult to find in this country.
Contact : O-Donnells 07957 266069 www.o-donnells.com