Ronhill Aspiration S/S Crew

The Aspiration crew was certainly popular with our testers with a well-liked simple design covering all manner of body shapes. The desirable aesthetic was also stand-out comfortable upon donning and during the run.
From a functional point of view, the mesh inserts are correctly located, making a noticeable contribution to the overall thermoregulation capabilities of the shirt. The fabric itself has great moisture-wicking ability and permitted a dry-next-to-skin feel on both sunny days and in light rain.
Carrying on the positive theme, it has a built-in UV protection with an equivalent SPF rating of 50. This is great, as on warmer days it’s always tempting to minimise on clothing with creams or lotions being your only alternative. These are awkward, messy and however sweat-resistant will need reapplying on longer runs.All in all, you won’t be disappointed.
The Aspiration crew was certainly popular with our testers with a well-liked simple design covering all manner of body shapes. The desirable aesthetic was also stand-out comfortable upon donning and during the run.
From a functional point of view, the mesh inserts are correctly located, making a noticeable contribution to the overall thermoregulation capabilities of the shirt. The fabric itself has great moisture-wicking ability and permitted a dry-next-to-skin feel on both sunny days and in light rain.
Carrying on the positive theme, it has a built-in UV protection with an equivalent SPF rating of 50. This is great, as on warmer days it’s always tempting to minimise on clothing with creams or lotions being your only alternative. These are awkward, messy and however sweat-resistant will need reapplying on longer runs. All in all, you won’t be disappointed.
Contact : Ronhill 0161 366 5020