Polar RS800CX Multi

Polar demands respect when it comes to performance, but as the RS800CX is one of the most expensive monitors we’ve tested, it needs to prove its worth.
Specification-wise, everything is covered, and when combined with the improved Polar Pro 5 software, this really is a device that can help you guide, improve and plan your training. Once you’ve got to grips with the interface and supplied software, starting and following training is simple. With a series of well laid-out screens, all relevant data can be easily accessed when required.
The ‘Multi’ in the name means that it’s supplied with the GPS pod. This may look modern but compared to the integrated GPS of the Garmin Forerunner XT310 it feels somewhat outdated. Additional sensors can also be purchased for the bike and run.
We hate to say it but we think Polar may be losing its grip at the top. Features-wise this product is A+ but the integration of its large sensors needs attention.
Contact : Polar 01926 310330 www.polarelectro.co.uk