Cardiosport GT5

From the packaging through to the watch and dock design, the GT5 looks like old stock from the 1990s! But no, this is the pinnacle heart rate monitor from Cardiosport with a comparatively low profile and simple design.
The coded heart rate strap is the same as you’ll find in the Sigma Onyx and the majority of the functionality is similar, too. The watch allows basic heart rate-based exercise functions and stop watch functions, but not much more. The user interface is fairly simple to use, but it’s still poorly laid-out, and initially quite difficult to understand.
The main plus about this monitor is that the data it gathers is fully downloadable to supplied software that allows simple analysis of your data. But a major drawback is that there’s no extension to bike or run sensors, so this is a heart rate-only watch. This is a system that struggles to compete with the present company – and it’s not cheap for what it is.
Contact : Cardiosport 023 9225 7388