Review: MuleBar Mango Tango energy bar
High-quality ingredients combined with great taste and texture

Delivering what it says on the tin, MuleBar’s Mango Tango energy bar contains no less than 28% dried mango. The remaining ingredients include rice syrup, oats, cashew nuts, rice crisp and whey protein, resulting in a generous 36g of carbohydrate per bar.
At 8g per 100g, the fat levels aren’t the lowest but most of what’s there comes from the cashew nuts and sunflower oil – both healthy sources. Even better, most of the ingredients are organic, Fairtrade or both. On the minus side, it’s quite expensive.
Once opened, the bar lived up to its name with an authentic and enjoyable mango taste that was also very tangy. The texture was impressive, too – quite chewy but moist and succulent without being sticky.
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