ZipVit ZV1 Energy Drink Elite

Zipvit is a large vitamin and health retailer based online, and this powder-based energy drink is just one example of its extensive product range. When the powder is mixed as directed, the resulting fluid falls in line with typical sports drink carb content. Sodium levels, however, are elevated by 20%, taking it to 0.3g rather than the 0.25g seen in Gatorade and Lucozade, which will be beneficial to the super-sweaters out there. Sodium aside, there’s also a consolatory portion (0.1g) of protein and fat.
Taste-wise it’s surprisingly easy to drink – unlike many powder mixes – so it shouldn’t be too painful to keep drinking over long events. Added extras such as the mix of minerals, zero artificial flavours, colours and preservatives, and an ISO-standard drug contamination pass make this a pretty good buy.
Contact : Zipvit 0800 028 2875