Multipower Active Re-Charge 800g

Multipower is one of Europe’s largest sports-specific supplement manufacturers. Their Re-Charge powder mix is designed for fast recovery post exercise with a mix of carbs, proteins and a few added extras.
Each 45g (500ml) serving provides nearly 30g of carbohydrate, which is relatively low compared to many recovery drinks. A total of 10g of protein is also provided, but added to this is 6g of PeptoPro – a casein hydrolysate or ‘pre-digested’ protein that theoretically allows faster absorption and supply to the muscles to aid faster recovery. There’s also a small helping of sodium, 70mg of magnesium, 165mg of potassium and the usual range of vitamins.
It mixed quickly, but did leave some frothy waste and unmixed lumps. And the orange flavour tasted quite bitter with a tangy aftertaste – a little like a Lemsip and more suitable for those looking for that citric hit.
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