Go Faster Food

As a veteran of countless marathons and a regular contributor to specialist running and fitness magazines, Kate Percy certainly has the credentials to produce a recipe book aimed at endurance athletes.
Go Faster Food begins with an introduction to the components of a good diet and the timing of nutrition, followed by high carbohydrate suggestions for every possible meal and snack throughout the day.
The recipes – from Turkish turlu to American pancakes – include a nutritional breakdown to help you plan the size of your meal and when’s best to fit them into your training.
The book is interspersed with comments from Olympic athletes who remind you that a well-balanced diet is key to producing a good performance.
But, despite the appearance of Athens Olympic medallist Rebecca Romero, there’s a glaring omission, both visually and usability-wise, in the lack of finished-meal images to accompany the recipes, which just leaves the reader with no idea at all as to what their creation should look like.
Contact : Bookpost 01624 836000 www.gofasterfood.com