CamelBak Podium ChillJacket

You’re a couple of hours into a long hot ride and you reach for your bottle. Despite anticipating a refreshing slug of drink, all you get is a mouthful of tepid, sugary horribleness.
Insulated bottles can provide a solution to this problem but often they don’t actually work that well, and only hold a relatively small volume of fluid.
As a water bottle, the CamelBak Podium ChillJacket ticks all the right boxes. The 620ml capacity is good for an insulated bottle, although it falls short of the 750ml provided by regular bottles. But the valve does delivers liquid easily and doesn’t leak when in the cage.
To test its insulating powers, I filled the ChillJacket and a regular bottle with water and three ice cubes, then left them both to bake in the sun for an hour. The temperature of the liquid in the regular bottle was 25°C, compared to 21°C in the ChillJacket bottle.
Contact : Zyro 01845 521700