Blackjack Skypper

These lightweight wheels from Blackjack should prove useful to skinnier riders. The low 23mm rim, bladed spokes and thin-bodied hubs feel lively from the off and will cut a fair chunk of weight off most mid-price bikes very effectively.
They also add an element of flex that makes cruising potentially hazardous winter roads more bearable. However, this does make them slightly vague when pushing through corners or when they’re under bigger riders. And with two-cross driveside spoking, the wind up under power isn’t as noticeable as the low-weight acceleration.
In practical terms, the three-dot rim wear indicators are less likely to grab crap than a central groove. You’ll also need to regularly replace the big dollop of green grease that acts as the sealant for the freehub, as that’ll turn into grimy grinding paste very quickly.
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