Tacx Sirius Soft Gel

The Sirius Gel isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot easier and more pleasant to use than many other turbo trainers. For a start, the V frame actually locks open and closed, so it’s not going to accidentally collapse while in use, or unfold and flatten your toes when you pull it out of the cupboard.
The spring-loaded roller and broad cam-lever axle lock make for quick and easy bike mounting. That said, you do need to be careful getting on and off because the narrow stance means it can topple quiet easily.
The combination of a stainless steel band over a urethane roller is unique but very clever. It means quiet and vibration-free running at lower intensities without the normal excessive wear rate of a soft roller. There’s a bit of grumble and buzz if you really wind it up, but no more than many more expensive units.
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