Cat Eye R2

Two LEDs powered by a single Li-ION gives this light plenty of punch with a long, penetrating beam. It also has a good light spread that shows plenty of immediate detail. It’s certainly good enough for hammering the trails off-road and down dark country lanes.
Mounting is simplicity itself, and while Cat-Eye’s single-shot model has issues with heaviness, the same can’t be said for this twin LED version. As you’d expect, the light can also be used on a helmet and there’s plenty of connecting lead to allow freedom of use.
The operating button is separate from the battery and light unit (which is a definite bonus), plus it’s big, easy to use and has a straightforward sequence of lighting: click on for full power, click again for low power (dip) and hold down for off. A bit on the expensive side, but a good all-rounder.
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