Sigma BC2006 MHR

Sigma has always had a solid reputation for decent easy-to-use computers and this full-function squarehead is no exception. Paying nearly £100 gets you chrome sidestripes and crisp detailing all round, as well as a massive book of instructions.
‘O’ ring installation is easy and repeatable on different bikes without the need for extra zip ties. In fact, everything from setting language to the various wheel and altimeter calibrations is easy, and the big square head gives a good clean display. There’s a backlight for night riding and you can even adjust contrast.
Although the ‘Hiking’ plate sets it into a simple time and heart rate display, you’ll have to make your own wrist strap to carry it! And the heart rate function is limited to only current, average and maximum rather than programmable zones, which is a downer.
Contact : Bill Nichols 01692 650673