How to take part in your first triathlon: all your questions answered
Are you a tri-newbie and worrying about your first triathlon? Nick Beer explains all you need to know

Are you a tri-newbie and worrying about your first triathlon? Nick Beer explains all you need to know
Nick Beer explains the different muscles cycling uses and tones
You can tear a ligament in the blink of an eye, but treatment and rehab require time and patience to make sure it fully heals. Here’s everything you need to know about treating torn ligaments…
Black toenails are common among triathletes, but what causes them and how can they be treated and prevented? Nick Beer provides the answers…
Training with a heavier load could improve several areas of tri fitness, but as with any increase in resistance caution is required. Coach Nick Beer explains how to use weighted vests safely…
Getting a stitch when running can wreak havoc in your training or race, so how can you prevent it? Sports scientist Andy Blow and S&C coach Nick Beer provides the remedies…
Nick Beer explains how to treat a groin injury and how long recovery will take
Nick Beer explains 3 essential exercises that should be part of every training programme to help keep you injury-free, and gain maximum benefit and results from your training schedule.
New to triathlon and worried about injuring yourself? Nick Beer explains the new demands put on your body, and the most common tri injuries, with tips on how you can strengthen your body to prevent them
Vowed that next year will be the year you stick to your fitness goals? Here are 5 top tips from coach Nick Beer to make sure you stay motivated…
Nick Beer explains the muscles you use hill climbing, whether it be running or cycling, and how to strengthen them
Having a regular sports massage has many benefits for athletes, says Nick Beer, including physical, physiological and psychological
Nick Beer explains the role the oft-forgotten serratus anterior muscle plays in swimming front crawl, and how you can strengthen it
Do you overstride when you run? Nick Beer explains how to improve your stride length so you become more efficient
Hot and cold compresses have long been used to treat injuries, but which is best? Nick Beer weighs them up.
Wondering why your muscles ache when you’re coming down with something, and whether it’s okay to train like this? Nick Beer has this advice
Get pins and needles in your feet when you run? Sports injury rehab expert Nick Beer explains causes and solutions
Nick Beer explains what high-intensity interval training is, the benefits, and how to incorporate it into your triathlon training
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