What is hip impingement and how to treat it?
Hip impingement can cause long-term problems if not properly diagnosed and treated. So what is it? What are the symptoms? And how can it be managed?

Hip impingement can cause long-term problems if not properly diagnosed and treated. So what is it? What are the symptoms? And how can it be managed?
Trochanteric bursitis, or lateral hip pain, is a common and painful condition among runners. Here’s everything you need to know to help diagnose, treat and prevent it…
Using different muscle contractions can help promote cellular repair and will speed up your recovery time from injury. Here’s the how and why…
Got a pain that isn’t going away? Here we examine the potential causes of pain and when you should seek further treatment and advice…
You might think you know how to warm up for a run, but do you ever work on your feet? Hannah Wright explains why you should never neglect your feet before a run…
Injuries can quickly derail your training and racing goals, but there are ways to help you cope with a spell on the sidelines, ensuring your return stronger, both physically and mentally. Physiotherapist Hannah Wright provides her top tips to cope with an injury…
Spraining an ankle is notoriously painful and can quickly derail your training and racing goals. So here we explain how best to approach your return to run training should the worse happen…
When ankle pain strikes it can quickly derail our training. So here’s everything you need to know about inner ankle pain: what causes it, how to treat it and how to prevent it…
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