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Home / Training / Training plans / Joe Beer’s 12-month training plan

Joe Beer’s 12-month training plan

Whether you're aiming for sprint or Olympic distance, and whatever time of year it is, we can make you faster

Use these sprint/Olympic training plans from tri coach (and regular 220 contributor) Joe Beer to prepare you for the next year’s racing…

So you’re new to multisport, have completed a couple of races or simply want to refresh your training programme?

Whatever camp you’re in, over the course of this series we’ll advance your triathlon performance to a level you never thought possible.

Below we feature three 12-week training plans and one eight-week block that’ll take you into the next race season.

A few pointers…

  • If you miss a session, don’t panic and try to cram in as much as possible
  • Instead, ensure that you replace missed sessions with ones that you’re weaker in
  • Also, note that swims exclude 400m warm-up and 200m cool-down.

Happy training!

Part one (late summer through autumn)

Part two (autumn to year-end)

Three (first three months of new year)

Four (spring through summer)

Don’t forget you can find lots more free triathlon training plans on the 220 Triathlon website, including sprint distance, Olympic, Ironman and more.

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