Sub-1hr run session: Heat adaptation
Prepare to sweat with this 60min running workout for advanced athletes that’s ideal preparation for a hot race

With summer now here, many athletes worry about how they’ll cope with racing in the heat, particularly in the final few kilometres of the run.
With that in mind, Emma-Kate Lidbury prescribes a 60min run session for advanced athletes that’s ideal preparation for a hot race…
How to fit it in
This may leave you feeling drained afterwards even though the workout itself isn’t physically that taxing.
If so, ensure a lighter bike or run day following this. Higher-intensity swimming can still be undertaken.
Equipment needed
Treadmill, run shoes and socks, heavy clothing – tracksuit bottoms, fleece jacket, beanie, water/electrolytes.
10mins easy run, gently building effort, 1–1.5% incline.
Main session
3 x 15 mins, progressing effort every 5mins as follows: 65%–70%–75% @ 1–1.5% incline. Go straight through, no breaks between.
5mins easy jog/walk.
Performance benefits
Beginning workouts like this several weeks before your race will ensure your body begins to adapt to working in the heat.
Be sure to hydrate adequately before, during and afterwards with water and electrolytes, not just water. Think of this session as giving yourself a headstart on what you’ll face on race day.
Mental benefits
This will not be a comfortable experience the first few times, but take great confidence from knowing you’re preparing yourself well for what lies ahead on race day. Have a plan for coping with the heat and stick to it. Prepare yourself for funny looks from other gym users, though!
Physiological benefits
Preparing in the UK for a hot race can be difficult given our typical climate, but this session will soon have you sweating.
Heavy clothing and little ventilation forces your body to begin adapting to what it will go through when racing in hot, humid climes.
Be aware that this alone is enough stress for your body – you don’t need to push the effort or pace beyond 75%.
Adapt for Ironman
Make each interval up to 20mins long and, as your body adapts to the heat stress, you could increase intensity slightly – with caution!
(Main image: IMG)
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