How to pace your run like a pro for maximum performance
The complete guide to why pacing the run is important and how to find your perfect race pace…

The complete guide to why pacing the run is important and how to find your perfect race pace…
Become a better conditioned and more efficient runner with some simple stride-length sessions
Beating drag and heat on the bike and run is the ultimate goal of all competitive triathletes, so how is it achieved? James Witts, with the help of Huub Design, dives into the scientific detail…
Wondering how important run cadence is and how fast your foot turnover should be? Our expert coaches have the answers
Ignore speedwork at your peril, says Paul Larkins. By mixing up your run pace, your overall run performance will come on in leaps and bounds
You might think you know how to warm up for a run, but do you ever work on your feet? Hannah Wright explains why you should never neglect your feet before a run…
Pro triathletes may have perfect running form, but what exactly makes it look so perfect, easy and effortless? One of the best runners in triathlon, Beth Potter, explains…
Introduce fartlek sessions into your run training as they require you to run well while fatigued, which is exactly what you need to do in triathlon…
Yoga can benefit your run by working on your flexibility, posture and strength. Here are four yoga workouts designed especially to improve your run performance…
You might have heard people talk about ‘Jeffing’, but what is it, how can it help you and should you try it?
Entered a hilly triathlon but live somewhere that’s unmistakably flat? Here’s some key sessions and advice to help you get the right training done anyway…
Lower back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions, but why does it occur and how can it be prevented? Brad Beer has the answers…
What effect does fasted running have on our bodies? Is it really beneficial to our performance? Or are we simply approaching it wrong? Taren Gesell provides the answers that will transform your run PB…
There are several factors that could lead to an elevated heart rate while running easy. Joel Enoch has the questions you need to ask yourself…
Running over rough surfaces can trigger many training gains for triathletes. Here’s how to get started…
Swapping smooth tarmac for a bumpier, more varied running experience not only focuses the brain more, but also offers excellent workouts that will enhance your racing performance
Here are some key features to look out for when selecting your next pair of trail-running shoes
How can you sustain a consistent run effort when the gradient climbs? Coach Philip Hatzis has the training solutions to make you a master of the mountains…
Dehydration will severely reduce your training and race performance, but you can stop it before it stops you. Paul Larkins and Jill Leckey keep you on track
Dr Cath Spencer-Smith details the 10 most common running injuries, how best to prevent
them from occurring, and how to treat them if they do strike
Struggling to find time to get outdoors for your triathlon training? Here are a few perfect indoor bike and run training sessions for time-poor triathletes.
Adventurer and endurance athlete Jenny Tough shares her top winter running tips…
Does your knee swell after running? Physio Brad Beer discusses possible causes and solutions
Running is a sport that’s often associated with injuries and the key to getting fitter safely, says coach Phillip Hatzis, lies with doing as little as necessary. Here he explains more…
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