12 off-season triathlon training tips
Strength, recovery, pilates… Variation is key throughout the triathlon off-season. Here are our experts’ top training tips…
Triathlon training
Strength, recovery, pilates… Variation is key throughout the triathlon off-season. Here are our experts’ top training tips…
Thinking about hiring a tri coach? With over 1,500 triathlon and Ironman coaches in the UK alone, you’re almost spoilt for choice, but what should you look for in a multisports coach? Whether you need a coach for sprint or Ironman Joe Friel gives you the answers…
Former top GB athlete and 220 running coach, triathlete Paul Larkins explains 9 common mistakes triathletes make in the run leg and provides advice on how to correct them
Two multisport titles selected for the major Cross Sports Book Awards
We all have large areas to work on in training. But Joe Friel demonstrates that often the best way to improve is by concentrating on the little things…
Try this six-week training plan, designed to be completed indoors. All you’ll need is access to a gym and a pool.
It can happen to the best of us and is one of the most common running ailments – 220’s experts Mark Kleanthous is here to break the taboo, and suggests how to control your bowel movements for a more pleasant run!
If you want to get some warm weather training in over the winter months, Tri Dynamic head coach Dan Bullock is running swim camps in sunny Tenerife
Should you race, or even train, when you’re under the weather? Our expert Joe Beer weighs up the arguments for and against racing with a cold…
Tri legend and former ITU World Champ Spencer Smith makes a case for focusing on adaptation over ramping up the volume post race-season…
If you want to take your cycling to the next level, the velodrome is a great place to start. And with six indoor tracks now open to the public in the UK, there may be one closer than you think…
Triathlon Scotland’s lead performance coach Blair Cartmell provides a run session to help improve your strength and form over the off-season
It’s time to add structure to your training and lay the groundwork for the next season, which means regular tempo and threshold run and bike sessions. Nik Cook is here to help with this bumper guide to what you’ll need, what to do and how to do it…
In every issue we bring you the best training and racing advice, as well as all the cutting-edge kit you need to perform at your optimum.
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