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Home / News / Tri Dynamic offers February Tenerife getaways

Tri Dynamic offers February Tenerife getaways

If you want to get some warm weather training in over the winter months, Tri Dynamic head coach Dan Bullock is running swim camps in sunny Tenerife

If the sideways rain, gales and getting dark by 4pm isn’t doing it for you, Swim For Tri coach Dan Bullock is offering a sunnier alternative to the freezing weather in the new year.

Tri Dynamic’s Tenerife Swim Faster Camp will take place from February 20-27th 2016 at the Tenerife Top Training facility. Over the last ten years Dan Bullock has helped thousands of triathletes improve their swimming from beginners to multiple Kona qualifiers, and there is only a few places left from a total of 12 available for the February training camp. The coaching includes extensive video analysis from Dan, a British Masters Open Water age-group champion. Sessions take place across 50m and 25m pools, and in the warm open water swimming venues around the resort.

The venue in Tenerife has a world-class 50m pool

Commenting on the Tenerife Swim Faster Camp, Dan Bullock said:
“Spending a week concentrating on your swim technique in a high attention environment is a great way to make big gains in a short time frame. Every year this camp generates fantastic improvements and results across the board. We are really looking forward to heading back to Tenerife in 2016”.

Team Erdinger sponsored athlete Boo Alder recently reviewed the camp after making big swim improvements in 2015. You can also watch this video of Dan Bullock swimming in the most advanced swim flume in the world in Tenerife, which Ian Thorpe, WR holders Britta Steffen, Paul Biedermann and GB’s Alistair Brownlee have used to improve their technique. Athletes on the Tenerife Swim Faster Camp also get to try out this flume to help them improve.

You can keep an eye on Tri Dynamic’s website for more upcoming camps, articles, videos and training resources over the forthcoming months.

Profile image of Jack Sexty Jack Sexty Editor at road.cc


Former 220 staff writer Jack Sexty is now editor at Road.cc. Jack has raced everything up to Ironman distance, is a sub-2hr Olympic-distance athlete and has represented GB at the ITU World AG Champs on several occasions. He's also a regular kit tester on the pages of 220 and holds two world records for pogo jumping – Longest distance pogo stick jumping in 24 hours and Most consecutive jumps on a pogo stick.