Bike maintenance and set up advice

How to fit aerobars (tri bars) onto your bike

Got yourself some clip-on aerobars but don't know how to fit them? Here's some advice from the 220 team

How to turn your road bike into a triathlon bike

Adapting a road bike for triathlons is a whole lot cheaper than buying a triathlon bike and you can achieve many of the same aerodynamic advantages

What are aerobars?

Aerobars are aerodynamic handlebars that help the rider gets into an aerodynamic position but they are not for everyone. Nik Cook explains what they are and their benefits and disadvantages

What's the best bike frame material?

What your bike frame is made from – whether that's steel, aluminium, titanium or carbon fibre – can affect your race performance. Here's how, why, and what you should consider before you make your choice…

Best bike puncture repair kit deals

Getting a puncture is just part of being a cyclist, which means the puncture repair kit is a vital tool in your arsenal. Here are some great deals on kits you might want to consider...

How to clean your bike

Nik Cook explains exactly how to clean your bike so it keeps running smoothly

Bike roadside repairs: what tools to carry cycling and how to use them

Toby Zeidler from Havebike takes us through what spares are essential to carry with you on the bike and how to use them to carry out common repair jobs

What to check on your bike before you race

You can lose more time from a broken bike than any other part of your race. Here, Glen Coltman, Team GB bike mechanic, makes sure you're ready to keep on cycling whatever the race throws at you

How to wrap handlebar tape

Wondering whether you need to tape wrap your handlebars? Toby Zeidler from Havebike explains taping advantages, and how to wrap successfully and evenly

How to maintain and clean your bike cleats

Toby Zeidler from Havebike explains everything you need to know about bike cleats, from how to choose the right ones for your needs to how to look after them and replace them

How do you maintain your cassette on your bike?

Toby Zeidler from Havebike explains everything you need to know about bike cassettes, from how to choose the right one for your needs to how to look after them and replace them

How do you look after your bike chain?

Looking after your bike chain is vital to performance and component longevity says bike repair company Havebike's lead mechanic, Barrie Dixon. Here he explains how to effectively care for your bike chain...

What should I be looking for in a second-hand bike?

Want to upgrade your bike, but can't afford to buy new? Nik Cook shares some tips for buying second-hand bikes

How to keep your bike safe from thieves

James Witts shares his top tips for preventing bike theft…all learnt from bitter experience

How much time will aerobars save me?

Wondering how much time aerobars will save you, and whether they're worth getting? Here's Nik Cook with the answers

How fragile are carbon bikes compared to aluminium bikes?

Do you need to treat carbon fibre bikes with kid gloves because of their fragility, or are they as, or more, robust than other types? We explain all

What is a groupset?

Confused about groupsets? Matt Baird and Pete Bonfield explain all you need to know and what to consider before purchase

What's the best bike set up for winter?

Disc wheels, profiled tubes and aerobars are all very well when you’re racing in the summer, but you’ll need something more practical for the winter winds and wet roads… Here's what your bike will need to see it through the winter months out on the road

Bike saddles: how to set yours up properly

We explain how to set up your bike saddle properly for maximum comfort

How to turn your mountain bike into a road bike

Want to try triathlon, but only have a mountain bike and can't afford a road bike? Nick Cook explains how to make your mountain bike speedier and more road bike-like. Image courtesy of Russ Burton

How to protect your bike during the winter

Winter can be a worrying time for your bike. Spray from wet roads can be particularly corrosive, especially if salt has been spread to prevent ice. But, if you follow our advice on winterproofing your bike, it will be well looked after and you'll be able to storm through autumn/winter with plenty of miles in your legs ready for a summer of racing.

What should be measured in a good triathlon bike fitting?

Joe Beer explains the three stages that should take place in a good triathlon bike fitting service

What do bike gear ratios mean?

Confused about gear ratios and what the numbers used for the different gear ratios mean? Mat Brett explains all and how to find what works for you

How do I choose the right tyre pressure for different races?

Wondering what you should consider before pumping up your tyres? Nik Cook explains how conditions and the course should affect your choice