Spiuk ZS1-RC
This is a great-looking and well-detailed shoe with a sexy gloss finish that definitely adds to the overall look, even if the Velcro adjustment is a bit sticky for it. The shoe has a woven carbon sole, though not in the traditional black.
Instead, the bling theme continues with a rather nice silver finish. The carbon does aid comfort and add more spring, but the only real difference is the finish, with performance in general being even.
That aside, the main ratchet is virtually the same as on the more expensive Sidi Energy 2s, and is excellent for creating a tight fit and micro adjustment.
There’s a little heel lift, but nothing that thicker socks wouldn’t deal with. The tongue can be a bit invasive at tighter adjustments, but this is also soon forgotten after a few miles.
Contact : Spiuk 0870 0420 894 www.velotechservices.co.uk