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Team 220 share their Rio medal predictions

Our 220 contributors tell us who they think will medal at the Olympics - who do you agree with?

Michelle Dillon

Head coach at Team Dillon Coaching, Michelle finished sixth for Team GB at the 2004 Athens Games. Here are her predictions…


Gold: Helen Jenkins, GBR

I know Gwen Jorgensen will go into this race hot favourite but I think the added pressure will prove too tough for her to medal. Helen will be a three-time Olympian with a wealth of experience, she’s strong at all three disciplines, isn’t scared to take risks knows what kind of race tactics she will need to employ to win gold.

Sliver: Non Stanford, GBR

She is one talented lady with plenty of guts and can pull out a big performance on the day. She’s great on the bike and her speedy run will give her a great medal chance.

Bronze: Andrea Hewitt, NZL

This course is suited to Andrea, strong on all three disciplines, and with a nothing-to-lose approach she could find herself on the podium.


Gold: Alistair Brownlee

Ali’s been away from the racing scene a bit this year, but we know he’ll be on fire and ready to race if fit. He’s a great one-day performer and can push harder than anyone to get the best out of himself on the day.

Silver: Jonny Brownlee, GBR

Obviously this course will suit the Brownlees, but Jonny will be hungry to win this time around after winning bronze in 2012.

Bronze: Fernando Alarza, ESP

Alarza’s confidence is growing every race, so I’m going to throw the Spanish athlete in there who people will least expect to medal. There’s usually an upset and I believe this could be it.


No Alistair?! No space for two Brownlees according to 220’s Weekend Warrior…


Gold: Gwen Jorgenson, USA

Runaway favourite in more ways than one. The only time she’s been beaten at an Olympic distance triathlon in the last two years was on the Gold Coast this year when Hewitt, Jenkins and Duffy managed to get a break away on the bike, which makes you think the only way she can lose is if a group manages to sneak away.

Silver: Non Stanford, GBR

If the favourites all come off the bike in the same group it’s hard to see anyone being able to beat Jorgenson on the run, however if anyone can it would be Stanford. A background in running could see her pull something special out of the bag if the gold medal is within her grasp.

Bronze: Andrea Hewitt

One of the most consistent performers on the WTS scene for a number of years now and unlikely to let the pressure of the big occasion get to her. And New Zealanders have a history of surprising favourites in the Olympics….


Gold: Mario Mola

Following my surprise omission from the GB team I’m going with Mola. If we look at results from this year’s WTS it would be hard to look past his incredible running form and it’s hard to see anyone beating him IF he makes the lead pack on the bike.

Silver: Jonny Brownlee

Jonny has managed two podium places but has had to work hard for these unlike previous years where he’s run away with the win. Injuries have plagued both Brownlee boys but a fast swim could put both of them in a good position and perhaps stop Mola, who’s been known to struggle on the swim, from making the front pack on the bike.

Bronze: Richard Murray

Despite a bad crash on the Gold Coast resulting in a broken elbow I make Richard Murray a firm favourite to make the podium. He’s been in great form and even I managed a race with a broken elbow once so it should be a doddle for him.


It’s 5 medals for Team GB if 220’s columnist is correct in his pickings…


Gold: Non Stanford

No, she’s not as fleet-footed as Gwen Jorgensen, but Team GB has the strongest hand to play of any nation and when the break comes on the bike, I’m confident we’ll see the union flag tri-suits included in triplicate. From there the Wales star with the run background is the pick.

Silver: Vicky Holland

In the manner of her Leeds’ training colleagues, expect Holland to pile on the pressure from the first swim stroke. With confidence taken from pre-selection plus two World Series wins last year to add to 2014 Commonwealth bronze, Stanford’s housemate is a genuine threat.

Bronze: Helen Jenkins

Expect the Welsh triathlete to justify selection and lay the demons of 2012 to rest with a gut-busting effort on the bike. While the exertion may cost her the chance of gold it will serve to distance both Jorgensen and reigning champion Nicola Spirig and pave the way for an unprecedented podium sweep.


Gold: Alistair Brownlee

He may not have won the world title for five years, but, in form, Brownlee remains the world’s best. Yes, it’s all about that dodgy ankle, but if it can just hold up long enough for one more tilt at glory, the Yorkshireman can become the first triathlete to successfully defend Olympic gold.

Silver: Jonathan Brownlee

An upgrade from 2012 for one of the most consistent performers on the ITU circuit. Expect Brownlee junior to play a key role pushing the early pace on the bike in a breakaway front pack to distance the chasing threats of Mario Mola and Richard Murray.

Bronze: Vincent Luis

With the passing of fifth-placed London 2012 triathlete Laurent Vidal last year, it would be fitting to see a Frenchman on the podium. Luis has has a lowkey build-up, completely eschewing the World Series, but took the European Sprint title in Chateauroux, central France and, Brownlees apart, is the fastest runner of the likely breakaway.


The three-time Olympian-turned-top 70.3 athlete shares his predictions…


Gold: Gwen Jorgensen

She is pure class – swims in the lead group, is savvy on the bike and boy she can run. Staying injury-free and healthy must be her goal.

Silver: Non Stanford

Gutsy racer, especially on the run. If she can hold back for 5km and then put the hammer down silver could be hers.

Bronze: Vicky Holland

Again, staying healthy is key, but she has it all – swims solid, bikes great, good in t2 and backs herself on Non’s shoulder for the run. But, but can she go round her?


Gold: Alistair Brownlee

If he’s injury-free, fit and healthy, but that’s a big ask. He is pure class, though, and with the swim, bike and run on that course and with the help of Johnny and the British domestic (not really needed in my opinion), he’ll deliver. He’s a big game performer!

Silver: Mario Mola

Keeps impressing and his swim has improved immensely under the guidance of Joel Filliol. He’s the best runner hands down but can he make the lead group, that’s the question.

Bronze: Jonny Brownlee

I think Jonathan will be on the podium he is always on his brothers coat tails and has big game performances nailed down, also the Brits have a domestic so it should be a shoeing for him, big budget big performances


Having organised the 2012 Olympic triathlon events, what does Mr Lunt make of this year’s contenders…?


Gold: Gwen Jorgensen

Simply unstoppable.

Silver: Helen Jenkins

Surprise package; if she can stay healthy and injury-free this medal’s hers. ,

Bronze: Flora Duffy/Non Stanford

I can’t separate them, but at a push I’d say Duffy.


Gold: Alistair Brownlee.

Once again for gold if he remains uninjured. He’s already coming back into form, though.

Silver: Mario Mola

On great form. Top Spaniard this year.

Bronze: Jonny Brownlee

Think it’ll be bronze number two for Jonny this year. Other two are still that bit stronger.

What do you think? What are your predictions?

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The 220 Triathlon team is made up of vastly experienced athletes, sports journalists, kit reviewers and coaches. In short, what we don't know about multisport frankly isn't worth knowing! Saying that, we love expanding our sporting knowledge and increasing our expertise in this phenomenal sport.