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Home / Recipes / Roasted peppers with feta and basil

Roasted peppers with feta and basil

This is a brilliant recipe for the active triathlete as you can make it in advance, it's super simple, tastes divine and delivers a huge vitamin boost

Try this super simple yet delicious roasted peppers with feta and basil recipe, which is ideal for the active triathlete as you can make it in advance – as a massive plus, the peppers are equally good cold as they are warm.

One of the richest dietary sources of vitamin C, a single red pepper provides just under 170% of your recommended daily intake, as well as potassium, vitamins A, E and K and fibre.

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Try this recipe with a mix of peppers, large flat mushrooms, courgettes and aubergines. 

Profile image of Kate Percy Kate Percy Sports nutrition cook and author


Sports nutrition cook and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publication of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (www.katepercys.com).