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Home / Training / Nutrition / Recipes / Puddings for athletes: 4 recipes for delicious, protein-rich desserts

Puddings for athletes: 4 delicious, protein-rich dessert recipes

Everything in moderation, we say! Satisfy your sweet tooth with these four delicious, protein-rich desserts, ideal post-session or race

Despite the fact that I’m a cook, I tend to reach for cheese, fruit or yoghurt at the end of a meal. I find desserts often too complicated, carb-rich and heavy on the stomach so I’ve tried to keep things quick, simple and nourishing here.

I’ve also decided not to cheat by using protein powder! Apologies, in advance, to the sugar police, too. As an occasional pudding-eater, I’m sticking to my ethos of ‘everything in moderation’.

First up, a step back in time with a traditional and rather indulgent Crème caramel. Packed with milk and eggs, this dessert will provide you with the full spectrum of amino acids to help promote post-exercise muscle recovery – and put a smile on your face. You can try experimenting with non-dairy milk alternatives in this recipe if you like.

My go-to dessert when I’m strapped for time is to whizz up a bowl of this high-protein Strawberry mousse. It’s full of
vitamin C and fibre; both are great for helping to protect your immune system as well as muscle health.

Have you ever tried black beans in a brownie? Honestly, it’s a revelation. These flourless Black bean brownies are light, gooey and sweet, yet loaded with protein, B vitamins, minerals such as iron, potassium, folic acid and calcium, as well as fibre. Do you need any more excuses to tuck in? (They taste amazing with a scoop of the hazelnut butter ice cream, too.)

Gut-friendly and packed with protein and healthy fats, this Hazelnut butter and kefir ice cream can be prepared in advance. Treat yourself to a scoop after a heavy workout, add it to smoothies, iced coffee… the options are endless. Nutty deliciousness.

Crème Caramel

Prep: 10mins

Cook: 25mins

Serves: 4

Crème caramel ingredients

120g caster sugar
2 tbsps warm water
500ml milk
4 free-range eggs
30g soft brown sugar
Seeds from 1 vanilla pod


1. Heat the oven to 150°C/gas mark 3. Arrange 6 warmed ramekins on a baking tray. Gently melt the caster sugar in a saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon until it turns to caramel. Remove the pan from the heat and quickly stir in the water. Warning! It will splutter.

2. Stir the caramel for a few seconds until smooth and pour into the ramekins, coating the sides. Be quick or the caramel will harden. Gently heat the milk in a saucepan. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, brown sugar and vanilla. When the milk is hot (not boiling), pour on to the egg mixture and whisk until blended.

3. Divide the mixture between the ramekins. Pour cold water into the baking tray to reach 2/3rds up the side of the ramekins. Transfer to the oven.

4. Bake for 25mins until golden but wobbly. Once cooled, run a knife round the ramekin, place a plate on top and turn out the caramel pudding.

Strawberry Mousse

Prep: 10mins

Serves: 4

Strawberry mousse ingredients

2 free-range egg whites
600g quark or Greek yoghurt (I use the TOTAL brand, as it has more protein than full fat)
200g fresh ripe strawberries
1 large very ripe banana
1-2 tsps runny honey (optional)


1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and place in a small bowl. Whisk with an electric or hand whisk until the whites double in size and form soft peaks.

2. Mash the banana into a purée with a fork. Wash the strawberries and remove the stalks. Mash into a purée with a fork, keeping a few to one side for decoration. Spoon the yoghurt or quark into a bowl. Stir in the banana and strawberries, mix until well combined.

3. Gently fold the egg white into the yoghurt mixture with a metal tablespoon, adding a spoonful at a time until all combined. Add honey as and if required. Spoon into four glasses and serve immediately, decorated with the extra strawberries.

Hazelnut & Kefir Ice Cream

Prep: 10mins + 30mins churn time or a few hours in the freezer

Serves: 4

Hazelnut & kefir ice cream ingredients

250ml natural kefir
150ml whipping cream
1 tbsp runny honey
2 tbsps crunchy hazelnut butter
Lemon zest
Handful dark chocolate chips or cacao nibs (optional)


1. Mix the kefir, cream and honey in a blender for 2mins. Stir in the nut butter, lemon zest and cacao nibs. Pour the mixture into an ice-cream maker. Churn until thick and smooth, then pour into a plastic container and freeze.

2. If you don’t have an ice-cream maker, pour the mixture into a plastic container, cover and freeze for two hours, then remove and blend again until smooth and creamy. Return to the freezer and freeze again until required. The more times you repeat this process the better the end result will be.

Black Bean Brownies

Prep: 5mins

Cook: 20mins

Makes: 9

Black bean brownies ingredients

1 can black beans
3 free-range eggs, lightly beaten
3 tbsps sunflower oil
50g macadamia nuts, halved
50g dark chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla essence
30g cocoa powder
110g caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder


1. Heat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 6. Grease an 18cm square, loose-based baking tray. Drain the beans and mash to a purée. Mix in a bowl with the eggs, oil, nuts, choc chips and vanilla essence.

2. Combine the cocoa powder, sugar and baking powder and add to the wet mixture. Gently stir and pour in the tray. Bake for 20mins or until firm but gooey.

Profile image of Kate Percy Kate Percy Sports nutrition cook and author


Sports nutrition cook and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publication of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (www.katepercys.com).