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Home / Recipes / Bulgar wheat and quinoa salad

Bulgar wheat and quinoa salad

For a light and nutritious salad packed full of energy, why not try this summery option

bulgar wheat and quiona salad

This delicious bulgar whear salad recipe is designed for the busy triathlete, you can make it in advance and store it in the fridge for lunches or to accompany a meat or fish supper or barbecue. It’s a fabulous source of slow-releasing carbohydrate to sustain energy levels and loaded with healthy prebiotics.

Why not add some protein –  Marinate two cubed chicken breasts in garlic, olive oil and lemon juice for 2hrs. Thread on kebab skewers, and grill or barbecue.

Profile image of Kate Percy Kate Percy Sports nutrition cook and author


Sports nutrition cook and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publication of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (www.katepercys.com).