How to cycle in a headwind
Nik Cook explains how to cycle into a headwind and what you should be doing with your head/body position

However well you plan your cycling routes, you’ll face an unfavourable breeze at some stage, so knowing how to cycle into a headwind is an important skill.
Wherever possible on a training loop, we’d recommend coming back home with a tailwind. Face the headwind earlier in the ride when you’re fresher.
Read on for our four top tips on how to cycle into a headwind then learn how to turn a headwind to your training advantage.
Get aero and keep stilll

Basically the key, when facing a headwind, is to keep low, aero and still! Get down into an aero position on your hoods, drops or extensions, and minimise the frontal profile you’re presenting to the wind.
Try to stay relaxed in your upper body, though, and don’t sway or bob, as any movement massively increases the size of the hole you’ve got to push into the wind.
Make sure you zip up your top, too.
If you’re cycling in a group, copy the example of experienced riders who know how to cycle into a headwind. They’ll take shorter turns at the front then draft right behind the person in front. And remember that in a faster group ride, the headwind isn’t the time to try an attack off the front!
Shift down

Use your gears. The road may be flat or even slightly downhill but, in a stiff headwind, there’s no shame in clicking up to the top of your cassette or even dropping into the small ring.
Forget your speed

Don’t worry about your speed when cycling into a headwind.
Work to a heart rate or power you know is sustainable, and don’t let your cadence drop to a grind.
We all have different optimal cadences, so just try to stay in the range you normally would.
Stay strong mentally
Finally, there’s a mental side to dealing with headwinds. Unlike a climb, there’s no reward of a summit, spectacular view or much-needed downhill run.
It’s the relentlessness and monotony of them that can really get you down.
Break up the road ahead and set yourself little goals, even if it’s just reaching a lamppost and having a sip of drink.
Also, unless you’re riding an A to B route, remember, at some stage, that headwind will become a tailwind.
How to use a headwind for training

Now you’ve learnt how to cycle into a headwind, why not use this knowledge to your advantage?
A headwind helps keep your effort steady, so it’s ideal for intervals and consistent zone 2 riding. You can even replicate the demands of a long climb by cycling into a headwind for extended spells.
If you do an Functional Threshold Power test on the road, it’s a good idea to ride into the wind. This way you’ll have to cover less ground in the 20 minutes of the test.