Tri Q+A: Should you race with a cold?
Should you race, or even train, when you’re under the weather? Our expert Joe Beer weighs up the arguments for and against racing with a cold…
winter training
Should you race, or even train, when you’re under the weather? Our expert Joe Beer weighs up the arguments for and against racing with a cold…
Triathlon Scotland’s lead performance coach Blair Cartmell provides a run session to help improve your strength and form over the off-season
It’s time to add structure to your training and lay the groundwork for the next season, which means regular tempo and threshold run and bike sessions. Nik Cook is here to help with this bumper guide to what you’ll need, what to do and how to do it…
All the juiciest gear from the annual Eurobike extravaganza; beat the cold with our winter training and kit guide; read all about the rise of Swimrun events
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