Rapha Pro Team Softshell bike jacket review
Rapha’s Pro Team Softshell bike jacket gets tested and rated by our expert reviewer

Rapha’s Pro Team Softshell bike jacket gets tested and rated by our expert reviewer
Perforated synthetic leather, carbon-fibre soles and Team Sky colours – there’s a lot to like
Rapha Classic Softshell tested and rated by our expert reviewer
With a quality bike jacket, there's no excuse for not riding in all but the most extreme weather this winter. Nik Cook picks his top three
As with all Rapha products you’re either willing to take the hit on your wallet or you’re not. You can almost guarantee that they’ll never let you down regarding either form or function, but £35 is an awful lot to pay for a woolly hat. Once on it feels delightfully comfortable against your head and […]
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