Sip’s almighty challenge
Captain Sip Powers completes 1,000km triathlon

Captain ‘Sip’ Powers strode over the finishing line on Roker Pier, Sunderland, on the 15th June at 6:30PM, marking the end of his Battleback1000 odyssey.
Nine months of intense training and preparation were all put to the test over 13 gruelling days that saw Sip swim, cycle and run his way across the length and breadth of the country, finishing two days ahead of schedule despite enduring a series of painful injuries.
The Battleback 1000 challenge was always going to be a punishing task. Sip completed 16 miles of swimming on the first day, averaged 230km daily on the bike ride and ran over a marathon a day for five days.
An emotionally and physically drained Captain Powers revealed that through his travels his eyes were opened by the generosity and the warm heartedness of the British people: “It reinforced to me that Britain really is Great and we are really lucky as a country for what we have.”
The purpose of undertaking this challenge was initially to raise the profile of Battle Back and in the process raise some much needed funds that could be put to good use.
A rather sheepish Captain Powers added, “Not withstanding the generosity of those that have already contributed, I was rather hoping that by pushing the limits during a first of its kind event it would appeal to the benevolent nature of the public and businesses that have now been made aware of the this worthy cause and perhaps ask to make donations to raise the total still higher.
“I know this may seem a tad necky but Battle Back represents an opportunity to give something back to the servicemen who have given more than most in support of their country, this was the main motivation that forced me to push my limits.”
There is still time to contribute towards the fundraising and the Battleback1000 website enables you to follow Captain Powers on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube and also most importantly make a donation online.
Sip added, “Battle Back is an MOD led initiative funded by the Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes so it’s fantastic to be able to set up this Battle Back 1000 challenge and contribute to a cause that is supported so strongly.”
“The Battle Back programme is unique because it offers adaptive sport and adventurous training for wounded, injured and sick personnel from across the Armed Forces which is something I am particularly passionate about.”
The challenge has been a real success for Captain Powers, he has managed to raise a fantastic total (almost £5,000), which will be donated through H4H into the Battle Back program and equally as important it raises the profile of Battle Back and the work they do all across the country.
In true modest style, Sip has declared that he could still do more and has therefore proposed to race for Battle Back in IronMan Wales in Sept, which combines a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles on a bike and 26.2 mile run.