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Home / News / New bike lock causes thieves to vomit

New bike lock causes thieves to vomit

Designed to stop thieves in their tracks, this lock emits a toxic, but safe, chemical when compromised

© SkunkLock

Fed up with your bike being pinched stolen locking it securely? A pair of inventors from San Francisco could have a novel solution that could detour thieves The Guardian have reported.

The entrepreneurs, Daniel Idzkowski and Yves Perrenoud, have invented a bike lock called SkunkLock that looks like a standard bike lock, but when compromised is anything but as it emits a noxious chemical deterrent.

Called formula D_1, the pair say that the chemical is a US legally compliant pressurised gas that, when expelled, causes shortness of breathing, potentially compromised sight, and induces vomiting.

“At two feet it was pretty bad. It was absolutely vomit inducing in 99% of people. At five feet it’s very noticeable and the initial reaction is to move away from it. At 10ft it’s definitely detectable and very unpleasant,” they told The Guardian.

The SkunkLock creators are now turning to crowdfunding to help them move to the future. Find out more about their Indiegogo fund here


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