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Home / News / Landmark finisher of Eton SuperSprints triathlon wins valuable prize

Landmark finisher of Eton SuperSprints triathlon wins valuable prize

20,000th finisher of Nuffield Health Eton SuperSprints wins Human Race 2017 Triathlon Pass and gym membership

Credit: Human Race

If completing a triathlon with a good time isn’t incentive enough, a competitor at the Nuffield Health Eton SuperSprints triathlons 21-22 May will also win a Human Race 2017 Triathlon Pass, plus a one year membership to a Nuffield Health fitness & wellbeing gym.

This is the race’s 15th year and they are expecting their 20,000th competitor who on crossing the line will win the goodies.

The race is organised by Human Race and start with a 400m open water swim in the clear and clean waters of Eton Dorney Lake, one of the iconic venues of the 2012 Olympic Games. Triathletes then take to the closed, flat road circuit for a 4-lap bike course covering 21.2k of the spectacular 450-acre parkland. The final 5k run follows a two lap loop along the side of the rowing tank on tarmac paths.

To sign up and be in with a chance of becoming the 20,000 finisher visit: www.humanrace.co.uk/triathlon

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