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Introducing Matt Kurton

Introducing our new blogger Matt Kurton as he builds towards the Outlaw 2012

Hello there. My name’s Matt Kurton, and I’m the very definition of an average triathlete.

The sort of average triathlete who cycles past a queue of traffic waiting at a red light, pulls up at the lights, forgets to unclip, and delights everyone watching by tumbling over sideways.

The sort of average triathlete who stands at a race briefing, minutes before the start, and then pulls that special face that can only mean: ‘Ah good. I’ve left my goggles in transition’.

The sort of average triathlete who will never, ever find a flattering tri-suit, but who also happens to love every arm stroke, every pedal stroke, every footstep, and also every post-race pint.

And – here’s the key bit – the sort of average triathlete who, in 2012, will be training for an iron-distance event for the very first time.

That’s right, my mission, through this winter and into next spring, is to prove that Mr Average can also become Mr Iron.

Along with the same similarly-average friend (pictured right) I’ve been racing triathlons with for three years now (don’t pull that face, Jamie, you know it’s true) I’ve entered the full-distance Outlaw Triathlon in Nottingham on 1 July. We’ve done sprints. We’ve done Olympics. We’ve done the 2011 half-iron Vitruvian.

And now, like a terrifying dream that’s fast becoming a reality, the big one beckons.

Still, as well as being utterly average, I’m nothing if not determined. In fact I can’t wait. So over the next few months I’ll be blogging about the highs, the lows, the joys and the horror-shows of going long for the first time.

Whatever I encounter, I’ll be writing about it here. And let’s face it, I’m going to need every bit of support I can get – so all advice, suggestions, criticism and general mockery will be very warmly received. Game on…

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The 220 Triathlon team is made up of vastly experienced athletes, sports journalists, kit reviewers and coaches. In short, what we don't know about multisport frankly isn't worth knowing! Saying that, we love expanding our sporting knowledge and increasing our expertise in this phenomenal sport.