2 easy slow cooker recipes
The slow cooker is a useful piece of kit for any triathlete, says nutritionist Jon Hodgkinson. Here are two of his favourite slow cooker recipes, one chicken and one beef, to try

Slow Cooked Chicken Thighs & Brown Lentils
This recipe makes 4 portions
Prep Time: 10-12 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 hours
4 Chicken Thighs
1 Cup Brown Lentils (dry)
1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes
5-6 Fresh Tomatoes
1 Cup Stock (Chicken/Vegetable)
1 Large Onion
1 Tsp Coconut Oil
Marinade ingredients:
1 Tsp Coriander Seeds
1 Tsp Fennel Seeds
1 ½ Tsp Garam Masala
1 Pinch Unrefined Salt
Start by making your marinade or dry rub – add all the marinade ingredients into a pestle & mortar or coffee grinder and get it all crushed into a fine consistency.
Place the chicken thighs in a bowl or Tupperware and sprinkle over the marinade mixture. Give it all a good mix to cover the chicken and leave to sit on one side.
Now to the onion – peel and finely slice this and put to one side. Take your fresh tomatoes and slice them into quarters, and leave them in a bowl for later.
Using a large oven proof dish or pan add 1 Tsp of coconut oil and put on the hob at a low heat to melt –then add your onion to the pan and allow to sweat for 3-4 minutes.
Remove the onion when it begins to go a golden colour and place into the slow cooker. Turn the slow cooker onto full heat.
Turn the heat up and add the chicken thighs. Allow the chicken to brown slightly for around 7-8 minutes on each side (use your judgement here and flip over when they begin to brown).
When your chicken is browned take off the heat and leave to sit in the pan. Add your tomatoes to the slow cooker. Put the lentils into a fine sieve and rinse under the cold tap. Now add them to the slow cooker along with the tinned tomatoes and stock. Add the chicken thighs and onion to the slow cooker.
Give it a good mix and place the lid on your slow cooker and leave on a high heat for the first 1-1.5 hours. Turn the heat down to low for the next 1 hour. At this point your chicken & lentils will be done.
Serve a good ladle of lentils with 1 chicken thigh per person. (If you’re cooking this recipe with the intention of leaving it on whilst at work then all you need to do is place the slow cooker on a low heat instead of high and leave to cook away until you get home.
Slow cooked beef brisket, with ‘cauli-mash’ & cabbage
Prep time: 15 minutes (Marinate Brisket for 30 minutes)
Cooking Time: 4 hours
1.5 kg Brisket
2 Large Onions
3 Cloves Garlic
3 knob Butter or Coconut Oil
2 Bay Leaves
1 Sprig Rosemary
1 Sprig Thyme
3 Carrots
1 Cauliflower
1 Cabbage
2 Egg Yolks
2 Cups Beef Stock
If possible go for a piece of brisket around 1.5kg in weight – score any fat on the beef and salt well – leave for 30 minutes to marinate, covered by a tea towel.
Using a large pan or Dutch oven heat a knob of coconut oil or butter then brown the brisket.
While this is cooking finely slice 2 large onions. Remove the brisket from the pan and add the onions in the remaining fat, sauté until they being to brown. Then add 3 finely chopped garlic cloves and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
Put the slow cooker onto high. Place the brisket in the slow cooker with the onions & garlic around the base. Take 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of rosemary, 1 sprig thyme and add to the mix, pour in 2 cups of beef stock put the lid on and cook for around 3 hours.
Roughly slice 3 carrots and add to the beef at this point – allow to cook for another hour or until the carrots are cooked and the brisket begins to fall apart.
Prepare the ‘Cauli-Mash’ To make the ‘Cauli-Mash’ Break 1 Cauliflower head into florets rinse under cold water and steam until it goes soft – Add the cauliflower to a blender or bowl if using hand blender.
Add 2 egg yolks and 2-3 generous knobs of butter – then blend until at a smooth consistency. Roughly chop 1 cabbage – variety to your choice (sweetheart / savoy) steam for around 10 minutes before serving.