2XU Elite Tri-Suit WT1005d

2XU is well established in the triathlon market with a heritage of producing solid performance garments. And the Elite certainly follows this trend…
Generally it’s well fitted with a snug, comfortable feel. During the swim the fit is perfect around the neck, thighs and underarms, which prevents any water entry and thus reducing extra resistance from suit drag. Coupled with the feeling ?of buoyancy, its conduct in the pool ?is impressive.
Quality performance and comfort follows into the bike and run with the back zip proving surprisingly unnoticeable, with no rubbing or pulling. The only major downfall is in the crotch and hip area, where the suit has increased support and chamois sections. This somewhat restricts ?the movement of the hips and upper leg when ?in the aero position on the bike and also when lifting the leg for the run.
At the mid to high end of women’s tri-suits, this is a very good example, but do try on various sizes to find one that doesn’t restrict or chafe.
Contact : 2XU 0118 934 6799 www.2xushop.co.uk
Looking for more tri suits? See our review round-up of the best tri suits we’ve tested.