Mud & Mayhem returns to Thetford Forest…
Thetford Duathlon returns to roots for Norfolk event

18 March 2012 sees the Mud & Mayhem series return to its original venue for the fourth Mud & Mayhem, Thetford Duathlon.
2011 saw over 200 athletes race with strong performances by Jez Cox and Eunice Alexander in the Duathlon. Both following up their opening wins with strong finishes at later events to also claim the Mud & Mayhem series trophies for 2011.
The event combines some rewarding single track through the trees with some wide, fast sections allowing plentiful overtaking opportunity.
The Duathlon will once again be accompanied by a 10K trail run in March. The run course provides a beautiful mix of riverside running and forest trails with just a single hill on each lap to negotiate. Fast times are anticipated with last years winner Mazeyar Firouzi recording 33:08.
With great courses, free refreshments, enthusiastic support and free race mementos what more could you ask for from an early season challenge?
Visit the Go Beyond Ultra website for more information and to register.