Duston Triathlon entries closed
News just in from Just Racing about their Duston race

The first race in the new 4:20:5 series, the Duston triathlon, has exceeded all expectations and entries have now closed with an unprecedented 700 applications.
After receiving over 100 entries in the last 24 hours, Race Director Alan Rose commented: “The Duston triathlon has always been popular. It’s a great testament to the Just Racing events team who always deliver a fantastic event with the athlete experience as the main focus. The new 4:20:5 series really seems to have captured the imagination of the athletes and it looks like the pool based triathlons are all going to be a sell out in 2013.”
Duston is only one of five pool based triathlons that Just Racing UK host each year. The full list is Corby on 23rd June, Thame 14th July, Kimbolton 21st July and Roade Triathlon 29th September.
Four out of five of these events will count towards the series and prizes will be awarded for each age group ensuring that success will be rewarded for the under 20’s all the way up to the 80+ age groups.
Full details of all Just Racing events can be found on www.justracinguk.com