Ironman Aqua Sphere WRacer

Aqua Sphere and Ironman have partnered up to launch a new range of triathlon wetsuits. The WRacer represents the ‘pro’ (mid-range) level for women… and very nice it is, too.
Specifically designed for the female frame, it fits well and offers enough flexibility in key areas to keep capable swimmers feeling unrestricted in the water. The suit features textured microskin around the neck for an exceptionally soft fit; nifty areas on the forearms and under the arms designed to improve your catch; and a pull-up zipper for a speedy T1.
Its ‘super composite skin’ combines a range of materials, all of which aim to increase comfort and flexibility while maximising your swim speed. The suit comes not only with a sturdy carry-case but with a handy transition mat, too – and we appreciate the lack of pink detailing on a women’s suit! The WRacer is available in sizes XS-XL and heights 155-185cm.
Contact : Aqua Sphere 01254 692200