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Home / Reviews / 2XU V:3 Velocity wetsuit review

2XU V:3 Velocity wetsuit review

A top-end wettie with plenty of features packed in, but some may suffer from the tight neckline

2XU V:3 Velocity wetsuit review

The original V:3 was launched in 2013 and, despite being a step down from 2XU’s flagship X:3 Project X suit, this latest version certainly has enough features packed inside its neoprene body to be mentioned alongside the top-end suits.

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Propulsion panels on the legs and stretch zones for increased flexibility are noteworthy features, plus the high-elbow lift panels between elbow and shoulder for increased buoyancy are new for 2015.

The ‘Velocity Strakes’ on the front look striking and they certainly seem to help with feeling fast through the open water.

Concave Water Entrapment Zones on the forearms for greater feel

On the flip side, the arms are quite thick, which makes strokes feel a little more laborious compared to other high-end suits. However, this does provide more buoyancy, meaning the suit’s also suitable for less advanced swimmers.

The rather tight neckline is something to be wary of, and has been flagged up with previous editions in the V Series.

It felt a tad uncomfortable during use (and we found backstroke proved particularly airway-blocking), but as long as you overcompensate on the lube you should experience minimal rub during freestyle swimming.

Verdict: Robust, with good buoyancy for all abilities – just be sure to lube up well, 81%

Contact : www.2xu.co.uk

Profile image of Jamie Beach Jamie Beach Former digital editor


Jamie was 220 Triathlon's digital editor between 2013 and 2015.