Polar RS300X G1
This recreational heart rate monitor from Polar, the forefathers of this type of technology, is solid, lightweight and a good all-round performer.
This package includes the G1 GPS unit, like the Polar RS800CX, but we do wonder why anyone but the most data-hungry would stump up the difference. This watch supplies a wide range of zone controls and targets based on your heart’s performance as well as speed, distance etc.
There are a few niggles, though, with the Wearlink+ heart rate belt looking a touch old-fashioned, even though it’s Polar’s latest version. Our test model also produced a constant chirping, which was a little disconcerting, but this could have been due to a faulty unit. A reminder to switch off the GPS unit would be handy, too, to help avoid a massive battery bill!
Contact : Polar 01926 310330 www.polarelectro.co.uk